

By Derek Pearsall


This publication is based on a bibliography that I have kept up for my own use since 1970. It was kept in handwritten form until 1994, when a graduate student at Harvard, Marie Henson, worked with me to type it up, put it in some sort of shape, and get it on disk. I am enormously grateful to her. I now think I should make it available for the use of others, and the World-Wide Web seems an ideal way of doing so. I don't intend to add to it or keep it up in the future: it is the Thirty-Year Bibliography. I hope it will prove useful.

The Bibliography is fairly systematic for what it covers, though there is inevitably an element of idiosyncrasy (especially in the `General' entries), with items included as they caught my interest or attracted my attention. Many items are omitted because I thought them too short or of only marginal interest; many, no doubt, I have simply missed. Editions of standard texts are rarely listed. The Bibliography tends to become more selective as the years pass (with the vast increase in publication). Long titles of books and essays are sometimes abbreviated or summarized.

The organisation into categories is one that I have found generally successful, though again the passage of time means that some new categories had to be introduced (e.g. gender studies) whilst there was a tailing-off in other kinds of enquiry (style, sources, etc.). Essays in festschrifts and in themed collections of essays (forms of publication that have increased very rapidly over the last thirty years) are located by a brief reference to the volume in which they appear: the full reference will be found in Part XII.

An important use of the Bibliography to me over the years has been in advising students with guidance on reading. I hope undergraduate and graduate students, with a paper to write or a topic to research, will find it useful in the future.


Part I General
Part II Chaucer General
Part III Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales
Part IV Chaucer: Other Works
Part V Gower
Part VI Alliterative Poetry
Part VII Romances Drama Lyrics
Part VIII Early ME Poetry and Prose
Part IX Religious and Didactic Literature
Part X The 15th Century
Part XI Manuscripts and Books
Part XII Festschrifts & other collections

Part I -- General
I. General Medieval and General Medieval Literature
II. General Medieval English Lit.
III. Modern theoretical approaches; new historicism; cultural criticism
IV. Medieval literary theory; allegory; rhetoric
V. Manuscripts & Textual Criticism
VI. Orality, literacy, vernacularity
VII. History, society, culture -- General
VIII. History, society, culture -- England, pre-1400 [see Doc.10 for 15th century]
IX. Religion and religious writing -- General
X. Religion and religious writing -- England
XI. Religion and religious writing -- women
XII. Women, marriage, children
XIII. Feminism and gender studies
XIV. Post-medieval and Victorian Scholarship & Medievalism (inc. Chaucer)

Part II -- Chaucer General
I. General
II. Manuscripts, Texts, Editing
III. Language, Style, Metre
IV. Audience, Narrator, Reception
V. Women/Feminism
VI. Sources and literary background
VII. Life

Part III -- Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales
I. Canterbury Tales--General
II. General Prologue
III. Knight's Tale (and Fragment I)
IV. Miller's Tale (and fabliaux in general)
V. Reeve's Tale/Cook's Tale
VI. Man of Law's Prologue & Tale
VII. Wife of Bath's Prol & Tale (& `marriage group')
VIII. Friar's Tale
IX. Summoner's Tale
X. Clerk's Tale
XI. Merchant's Tale
XII. Squire's Tale
XIII. Franklin's Tale (and 'romances' generally)
XIV. Physician's Tale
XV. Pardoner's Prologue & Tale
XVI. Tale of Sir Thopas
XVII. Shipman's Tale (and Frag. VII generally)
XVIII. Prioress's Tale
XIX. Tale of Melibee
XX. Monk's Tale
XXI. Nun's Priest's Tale
XXII. Second Nun's Tale
XXIII. Canon's Yeoman's Prologue & Tale
XXIV. Manciple's Tale
XXV. Parson's Tale and Retraction

Part IV -- Chaucer: Other Works
I. Troilus & Criseyde
II. Book of the Duchess
III. House of Fame
IV. Parliament of Fowls
V. Legend of Good Women
VI. Prose
VII. Minor Poems (and `Shorter' Poems generally)

Part V -- Gower
I. Confessio Amantis
II. Other Works

Part VI -- Alliterative Poetry
I. Alliterative Poetry - General
II. Morte Arthure
III. Winner & Waster
IV. Parliament of the Three Ages
V. Other Alliterative Poems
VI. Gawain and Green Knight
VII. Pearl and the Pearl-Poet
VIII. Patience
IX. Cleanness
X. St. Erkenwald
XI. Piers Plowman
    XIa Piers -- MSS & Texts
    XIb Piers -- General Studies
    XIc Piers -- Studies of Particular Passages

Part VII -- Romances Drama Lyrics
I. Romances -- General
II. Arthur & Arthurian Romance
III. Havelok and King Horn
IV. Sir Orfeo
V. Other Romances
VI. Drama -- General
VII. English Mystery Plays -- York
VIII. Eng. Myst. Plays -- Towneley (Wakefield)
IX. Eng. Myst. Plays -- Chester
X. Eng. Myst. Plays -- Ludus Coventriae (N-town)
XI. Eng. Myst. Plays -- General & Non-Cycle
XII. Eng. Morality Plays
XIII. Lyrics (incl. Short Misc. Poems)
XIV. Poems of Harley 2253

Part VIII -- Early ME poetry and prose
I. Early ME Poetry and Prose
II. The Owl and the Nightingale
III. Layamon's Brut
IV. Ancrene Wisse, Ancren Riwle and Katherine Group

Part IX -- Religious and Didactic Literature
I. Saints' Lives
II. Religious Prose and Poetry (specific texts)
III. Didactic and Other Non-Religious Prose
IV. Preaching
V. Wyclif and Lollardy
VI. Rolle
VII. Hilton; The Cloud of Unknowing
VIII. Julian
IX. Margery Kempe

Part X -- The 15th century
I. 15th century - General
II. Lydgate
III. Hoccleve
IV. Charles of Orleans
V. Robin Hood
VI. English Chaucerians
VII. Scots Poets
VIII. Henryson
IX. Dunbar
X. Douglas
XI. Malory
XII. Late Medieval & Early Tudor
XIII. Caxton
XIV. Skelton

Part XI -- Manuscripts and Books
I. Book production, publishing, libraries, readers
II. Manuscripts: descriptions and newly discovered texts
III. Education & Universities

Part XII -- Festschrifts & other collections


AL The Assembly of Ladies (poem)
AN Anglo-Norman Ang Anglia (journal)
AnnM Annuale Mediaevale (journal)
AR Ancrene Riwle (Guide for Anchoresses)
Archiv Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen
AUP Associated University Presses
AW Ancren Wisse (Anchoresses' Rule)
BD The Book of the Duchess (poem by Chaucer)
BJRL Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
BL British Library, London
BLJ British Library Journal
BN Bibliothhque nationale, Paris
CEMERS Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Binghamton)
Ch Chaucer
ChauR Chaucer Review
ChYb Chaucer Yearbook
CkT Cook's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
CL Comparative Literature (journal)
CL The Court of Love (poem)
Cl Cleanness (poem)
ClkT Clerk's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
CA Confessio Amantis (poem by Gower)
CT Canterbury Tales
CUP Cambridge University Press
CYP/T Canon's Yeoman's Prologue/Tale (Canterbury Tales)
DUJ Durham University Journal
E&S Essays & Studies (by Members of the English Association)
EBS Early Book Society
EC Essays in Criticism
EHR English Historical Review
El The Ellesmere MS of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
ELH English Literary History (journal)
ELN English Language Notes
ELS English Literary Studies (U.of Victoria, B.C.)
EMS English Manuscript Studies
ES English Studies
Et.ang. Etudes anglaises Exemp Exemplaria (journal)
FL The Flower and the Leaf (poem)
FMLS Forum for Modern Language Studies
FQ The Faerie Queene (poem by Spenser)
FriT Friar's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
FrkT Franklin's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
F/S Festschrift
GGK Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (poem)
GP General Prologue (Canterbury Tales)
HF The House of Fame (poem by Chaucer)
Hg The Hengwrt MS of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
IMEV Index of Middle English Verse
JEBS Journal of the Early Book Society
JEGP Journal of English & Germanic Philology
JHI Journal of the History of Ideas
JMEMS Journal of Medieval & Early Modern Studies
JMRS Journal of Medieval & Renaissance Studies
KnT Knight's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
L Langland
LGW The Legend of Good Women (poem by Chaucer)
LSE Leeds Studies in English (University of Leeds)
M&H Medievalia et Humanistica (journal)
MA Morte Arthure (alliterative poem)
MA Middle Ages
MAE Medium Aevum
MancT Manciple's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
MART Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching
MC Medieval Cultures (series, University of Minnesota Press)
ME Middle English med medieval
Mel Tale of Melibee (Canterbury Tales)
MeT Merchant's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
MET Middle English Texts (series)
MillT Miller's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
MkT Monk's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
MLN Modern Language Notes
MLP/T Man of Law's Prologue/Tale (Canterbury Tales)
MLQ Modern Language Quarterly
MLR Modern Language Review
Mon Monograph
Moyen A Le Moyen Age (journal)
MP Modern Philology (journal)
MRTS Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies (Toronto)
MRTS Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies (Binghamton)
MS Medieval Studies (Toronto)
MSU Michigan State University
Neoph Neophilologus (journal)
NM Neuphilologische Mitteilungen (journal)
NML New Medieval Literatures (journal)
NMS Nottingham Medieval Studies (University of Nottingham)
NPT Nun's Priest's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
NQ Notes & Queries
NT New Testament
NYUP New York University Press
O&N The Owl and the Nightingale (poem)
OE Old English
OF Old French
Orbis Orbis litterarum (journal)
OT Old Testament
OUP Oxford University Press
P3A The Parliament of the Three Ages (poem)
PardP/T Pardoner's Prologue/Tale (Canterbury Tales)
ParsT Parson's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
Pat Patience (poem)
PBA Proceedings of the British Academy
PBSA Publications of the Bibliographical Society of America
PF The Parliament of Fowls (poem by Chaucer)
PhyT Physician's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
PMLA Publications of the Modern Language Association of America
PP, PPl Piers Plowman (poem by Langland)
PPC Pierce the Plowman's Crede (poem)
PPS Piers Plowman Studies ( Brewer)
PQ Philological Quarterly
PR The Peasants' Revolt of 1381
PriT Prioress's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
RES Review of English Studies
Ret Retraction (Canterbury Tales)
RKP Routledge & Kegan Paul (publishers)
RMS Reading Medieval Studies (University of Reading)
Rom Romania (journal)
RomPh Romance Philology
RPhil Romance Philology
RR Romanic Review
RR Roman de la Rose (French poem)
RvT Reeve's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
SAC Studies in the Age of Chaucer
SB Studies in Bibliography
SEL South English Legendary (verse collection)
SEL Studies in English Literature
SGGK Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (poem)
ShipT Shipman's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
SIcon Studies in Iconography
SMC Studies in Medieval Culture (series, U.Minnesota)
SN Studia Neophilologica (journal)
SNT Second Nun's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
SP Studies in Philology
Spec Speculum (journal)
STC Short Title Catalogue (of early printed books)
StIcon Studies in Iconography
StN Studia Neophilologica (journal)
StRen Studies in the Renaissance Studi medievali (journal)
SummT Summoner's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
SUNY State University of New York
TC The Testament of Cresseid (poem by Henryson)
TC Troilus and Criseyde (poem by Chaucer)
TEAMS Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages, Middle English Texts Series, published by Medieval Institute Publications of Western Michigan University, in association with the University of Rochester
TCC Trinity College (Library), Cambridge
TEBS Transactions of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society
TG The Temple of Glass (poem by Lydgate)
UNC University of North Carolina UP University Press
UTQ University of Toronto Quarterly
UWM University of Western Michigan (Kalamazoo)
WBP/T Wife of Bath's Prologue/Tale (Canterbury Tales)
WW Winner and Waster (poem)
YES Yearbook of English Studies
YLS Yearbook of Langland Studies
YMT York Medieval Texts
ZfFSL Zeitschrift für Französische Sprache und Literatur