Test your reading of the Cook's Tale (Lines 4325-4422)

Translate each of the bold-face words in the following lines into clear modern English (it is best to write out your translation):

4333 Wel oghte a man avysed for to be

4340 And therfore, if ye vouche-sauf to heere

4344 Oure Hoost answerde and seide, "I graunte it thee.

4357 But `sooth pley, quaad pley,' as the Flemyng seith.

4360 Though that my tale be of an hostileer.

4365 A prentys whilom dwelled in oure citee,

4367 Gaillard he was as goldfynch in the shawe,

4372 He was as ful of love and paramour

4375 At every bridale wolde he synge and hoppe;

4381 And gadered hym a meynee of his sort

4383 And ther they setten stevene for to meete,

4389 That fond his maister wel in his chaffare,

4392 That haunteth dys, riot, or paramour,

4393 His maister shal it in his shoppe abye,

4395 For thefte and riot, they been convertible,

4399 This joly prentys with his maister bood,

4401 Al were he snybbed bothe erly and late,

4408 So fareth it by a riotous servaunt;

4410 Than he shende alle the servantz in the place.

4412 And bad hym go, with sorwe and with meschance!

4413 And thus this joly prentys hadde his leve.

4414 Now lat hym riote al the nyght or leve.

4415 And for ther is no theef withoute a lowke,

4417 Of that he brybe kan or borwe may,

4419 Unto a compeer of his owene sort,

4422 A shoppe, and swyved for hir sustenance.

Compare your translation with the page glosses for these lines