How to Read this Book

The Book of the Knight of Latour Landry

[How to read this book; the moral value of stories.]

The text is lightly glossed; see the glossary in the Riverside Chaucer for words not explained here.






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The mirrour of the first redinge of these histories.

Hit is a noble and a faire thing for a man or a woman
to see and beholde hem-self in the mirrour of auncient
stories, the which hathe ben writen by oure aunsetters forto
shewe us good enasumples that they dide, to leve and eschewe
the evell. And doughtres, I saye this for I am olde, and have
lived longe, and see moche more of the world thanne ye. And
therfor a parti, after my science, which is not gret, I will shew
you, for I have gret desire that ye turn youre hertes and thoughtes
to drede and serve God; for he thanne wol sende you good
and worship in this world, and in the other. For in certaine all
the verray good and worship honest of man and woman cometh
of him only, and of none other, And yeveth longe lif and
stont in this terrein and worldly [sic] thing like as him lust, for
all lieth in his plesir and ordinaunce. And also he yeveth and
yeldeth, for the good service that is yeve and do to him, the
double an hundred tymes. And therfor, doughtres, it is good to
serve such a lorde that gardoneth his seruant in suche wise.



stands as he desires
given and done

From The Book of the Knight of La Tour-Landry, EETS o.s. 33, London, ed. Thomas Wright (from MS Harley 1764 and Caxton's Print) rev. ed. 1903 [Widener 11472.33.3], corrected in few minor details.