A COOKERY BOOK (HARLEIAN MS. 4016, ab. 1450 A.D.)

Menus for Feasts in 1387 and 1443


This is the purviaunce made for King Richard, beinge with The Duc of lancastre at the Bisshoppes place of Durham at Londone, the xxiii day of September, the yere of the kinge forsaid xij. [A.D. 1387.]


First begynnyng for a-chatry [ provisions]

Xiiij. oxen lying in salte.
II. oxen ffreyssh.
Vi xx [six score] hedes of shepe freash.
Vi xx [six score] carcas of shepe fressh.
Xij. Bores.
Xiiij. Calvys.
Cxl. pigges.
CCC. maribones.
Of larde and grece, ynogh.
IIJ. ton of salt veneson.
IIJ. does of ffressh veneson.

The pultry.

L. Swannes.
CCx. Gees.
L. capons of hie grece.
Viii. dussen other capons.
Lx. dd. [dozen] Hennes.
CC. copull Conyngges.
IIIJ. Fesauntes.
V. Herons and Bitores.
VI kiddes.
V. disson [dozen] pullayn for Gely.
Xii. dd. [dozen] to roste.
C. dd. [dozen] pejons.
Xij. dd. [dozen] partrych.
Viij. dd. [dozen] Rabettes.
X. dosen Curlewes.
Xij. dosen Brewes.
Xij. Cranes.
Wilde fowle ynogh.
VI xx [six score] galons melke.
Xij. galons Creme.
Xi. galons of Cruddes [curds],
IIj. bushels of Appelles.
Xj. thousand egges.

The first course.

Veneson with Furmenty.
A potage called viaundbruse.
Hedes of Bores.
Grete Flessh.
Swannes rosted.
Pigges rosted.
Crustade lumbard in paste.

And a Sotelte.

The seconde course.

A potage called Gele.
A potage de Blandesore.
Pigges rosted.
Cranes rosted.
Fesauntes rosted.
Herons rosted
Chekens endored.
Broke braune.
Conyngges rosted.

And a sotelte.

The thirde course.

Potage. bruete of &lmondes.
Stwde lumbarde.
Venyson rosted.
Chekenes rosted.
Rabettes rosted.
Partrich rosted.
Pejons rosted.
Quailes rosted.
Larkes rosted.
Payne puff.
A Dissh of Gely.
Longe Frutours.

And a Sotelte.

  Atte the stalling of John Stafford, Archibisshoppe of Caunterbury, the xxj yere of king Harry the vj. [A.D. 1443.]

Brawne with Mustard.
Furmenty with Veneson.
Carpeis of Veneson.
Heron sewe.
Grete breme.
Leche cremy ryall.
Custard ryoll.

A sotelte. Seint Andrew, sitting on an hie Auter of a-state, with bemes of golde; afore him knelyng, the Bishoppe in Pontificalibus; his Croser kneling behinde him, coped.

The second course.

Bruet Mon amy.
Viaund cypre.
Crane rosted.
Veneson rosted.
Graunte carpe.
Leche Frutour.
Tard riaall.

A sotelte: The Trinite sitting in a son of gold, with a crueyfix in his honde. Seint Thomas in that one side, Seint Austin in that other, my lorde kneling in pontificalibus afor him. behinde him, his croser coped with the armes of Rouchestre. behinde him, in That o side, a blak Monke, prior of Cristes chirch; in that other side, the Abbot of Seint Austyns.

The thirde course.

Blanke singuler leche.
Creme Vine.
Gely departed.
Chekenes boiled.
Plover rosted.
Dew doues.
Frutoure Rasyn.
Quynes bakyn.

A sotelte. A godhede in a son of gold glorified aboue; in the son the holy giste voluptable. Seint Thomas kneling a-for him, with the poynt of a swerd in his hede, & a Mitre there-vppon, crownyng S. T. in dextera parte, maria tenens mitram; in sinistra parte, Johannes Baptista; et in iiij. partibus, iiij. Angeli incensantes.[on the right, Mary holding a miter; on the left John the Baptist; on the four sides, 4 angels incensing.]

  The text (translated where necessary) is from Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books, ed. Thomas Austin, EETS 91, 1888 [Widener 11472.91.1].