Test your reading of the The Clerk's Prologue and Tale (Lines 1-1212)

Translate each of the bold-faced words in the following lines into clear modern English (it is best to write out your translation):

22 "Hooste," quod he, "I am under youre yerde;

122 And deeth manaceth every age, and smyt

140 Wherfore we pray you hastily to wyve."

201 Hadden hir beestes and hir herbergage,

229 And ay she kepte hir fadres lyf on-lofte

270 And of his retenue the bachelrye,

327 To be my wyf and reule hire after me.

348 But thise demandes axe I first," quod he,

422 Wedded with fortunat honestetee,

455 Nedelees, God woot, he thoghte hire for t'affraye.

480 Unto my gentils ye be no thyng so.

572 That beestes ne no briddes it torace."

628 The murmur sleeth myn herte and my corage,

706 Right so this markys fulliche hath purposed

797 That in greet lordshipe, if I wel avyse,

817 Maken comparison; it is no nay.

886 But swich a smok as I was wont to were,

917 By dayes fele than at hire mariage.

976 And peyned hire to doon al that she myghte,

997 Delitynge evere in rumbul that is newe,

1018 That no defaute no man aperceyveth,

1095 That crueel houndes or som foul vermyne

1103 The children from hire arm they gonne arace.

1124 Til on the welkne shoon the sterres lyght.

1168 With bras, that thogh the coyne be fair at ye,

Compare your translation with the page glosses for these lines.