The Explanatory Notes to The Man of Law's Tale: A Check List

Here is another self-test (or check list) of you reading of the Explantory Notes. As usual, jot down a brief definition of each of the following terms; then check your answers against the notes given in parentheses at the end of each entry.

1)      hazard ( II.124-25) 

2)      rime riche ( II.102-03, I.17-18).

3)      Seintes Legende of Cupid ( II.61, II,61-76).

4)      Innocence III (Expl. Notes, p. 384)

5)      Gower's Tale of Constance (Expl. Notes, p. 385).

6)      Ptolmaic system (II.295-301)

7)      Semyrame (Semiramus) ( II.359)

8)      serpent with woman's face (II.360-61)

9)      scorpioun (II.404)

10)      Egipcien Marie (St. Mary the Egyptian) (II.500)

11)      Latin corrupt (II.519).

12)      ordeal of battle (II.631-43)

13)      drunkenness (II.771-77)

14)      swearing (II.1171)

15)      Lollere (II.1173).

16)      glossing (II.1180)

You should get twelve or thirteen of these right; if you do not, browse through those notes once more. (Again "browse" means that you need not read every note nor every part of the notes you do read.)