Test your reading of The Canon's Yeoman's Prologue and Tale (Lines VIII.554-1481)

(Note that The Canon's Yeoman Prologue and Tale contains a great many technical terms; none of these are included on the test.)

Translate each of the bold-faced words in the following lines into clear modern English (it is best to write out your translation):

560 So swatte that it wonder was to see;

565 He was of foom al flekked as a pye.

635 It is al baudy and totore also.

681 We mowen nat, although we hadden it sworn,

705 Syn he is goon, the foule feend hym quelle!

730 And of my swynk yet blered is myn ye.

739 If he continue, I holde his thrift ydo.

751 Oure elvysshe craft, we semen wonder wise,

752 Oure termes been so clergial and so queynte.

874 I warne yow wel, it is to seken evere.

887 Hir savour is so rammyssh and so hoot

907 The pot tobreketh, and farewel, al is go!

922 Somme seyde it was long on the fir makyng;

983 That he wol make hym doten anonright,

1005 That giltlees were? By yow I seye the same,

1030 This preest hym took a marc, and that as swithe,

1085 To tellen thyn unwit and thy folye,

1165 And understondeth that this false gyn

1265 An holwe stikke -- taak kep and be war! --

1278 He stired the coles til relente gan

1341 This sotted preest, who was gladder than he?

1385 Lo, thus byjaped and bigiled was he!

1402 Lo! swich a lucre is in this lusty game,

1412 Though ye prolle ay, ye shul it nevere fynde.

1473 Ne wil nat that the philosophres nevene

Compare your translation with the page glosses for these lines