Test your reading of the Man of Law's Introduction and Tale (Lines 1-385)

Translate each of the bold-faced words in the following lines into clear modern English (it is best to write out your translation):

15 And sodeynly he plighte his horse aboute.

28 But los of tyme shendeth us,' quod he.

37 Acquiteth yow now of youre biheeste;

73 Thy litel children hangynge by the hals,

91 Me were looth be likned, doutelees,

108 Thy neighebor thou wytest synfully,

112 For he noght helpeth needfulle in hir neede."

119 Be war, therfore, er thou come to that prikke!

131 I were right now of tales desolaat,

136 That wyde-where senten hir spicerye,

155 This was the commune voys of every man:

168 Hir hand, ministre of fredam for almesse."

172 And whan they han this blisful mayden sayn,

186 That this Sowdan hath caught so greet plesance

195 Is writen, God woot, whoso koude it rede,

214 They speken of magyk and abusioun.

229 Saveth my lyf, and beth noght recchelees

236 That in destruccioun of mawmettrie,

250 Wel may men knowen that so greet ordinance

265 Ful pale arist, and dresseth hire to wende;

277 Over alle thyng, out-taken Crist on-lofte,

287 And to been under mannes governance."

294 But forth she moot, wher-so she wepe or synge.

300 At the bigynnyng of this fiers viage,

306 O fieble moone, unhappy been thy paas!

317 Solempnely, with every circumstance.

Compare your translation with the page glosses for these lines