Test Your Reading of The Friar's Prologue and Tale (Lines 1265-1664)

Translate each of the following lines into clear modern English (it is best to write out your translation):

1272 In scole-matere greet difficultee.

1306 Of diffamacioun, and avowtrye,

1314 Ther myghte asterte hym no pecunyal peyne.

1323 For subtilly he hadde his espiaille,

1339 Hadde alwey bawdes redy to his hond,

1343 They weren his approwours prively.

1359 Thus was the wenche and he of oon assent,

1365 Thee thar namoore as in this cas travaille.

1373 And for that was the fruyt of al his rente,

1380 A gay yeman, under a forest syde.

1386 Wher rydestow, under this grene-wode shawe?"

1404 Everych in ootheres hand his trouthe leith,

1427 My lord is hard to me and daungerous,

1440 Ne of swiche japes wol I nat be shryven.

1467 A lowsy jogelour kan deceyve thee,

1509 And speke as renably and faire and wel

1568 The carl spak oo thing, but he thoghte another.

1572 This somonour to his brother gan to rowne:

1580 Wynne thy cost, taak heer ensample of me."

1587 Up peyne of cursyng, looke that thou be

1596 And answere there by my procuratour

1609 Kithe youre almesse on me, povre wrecche."

1622 Unto the devel blak and rough of hewe

1649 Swiche peynes that youre hertes myghte agryse,

1662 For Crist wol be youre champion and knyght.

Compare your translation with the page glosses for these lines.

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