Glosses for quiz #1, The The Miller's Prologue (Lines I.3109-3396)

Compare your translations with the glossed text:

3112 And worthy for to drawen to memorie,
      drawen to memorie: remember

3115 This gooth aright; unbokeled is the male.
      unbokeled is the male: the pouch is opened; i.e., the game is well begun

3121 So that unnethe upon his hors he sat,
      unnethe: hardly

3129 And seyde, "Abyd, Robyn, my leeve brother;
      Abyd: wait leeve: dear

3140 Wyte it the ale of Southwerk, I you preye.
      Wyte it: blame it on

3147 To apeyren any man, or hym defame,
      apeyren: injure, slander

3170 M'athynketh that I shal reherce it heere.
      M'athynketh: it displeases me, I regret reherce: repeat, narrate

3185 Avyseth yow, and put me out of blame;
      Avyseth yow: consider, drink about (this)

3188 A riche gnof, that gestes heeld to bord,
       gnof, churl gestes: lodgers to bord: as boarders

3199 This clerk was cleped hende Nicholas.
      hende: courteous

3212 His presse ycovered with a faldyng reed;
      presse: cupboard, linen press faldyng reed: coarse red woolen cloth

3237 Upon hir lendes, ful of many a goore.
      lendes: loins goore: flounce

3242 Were of the same suyte of hir coler;
      same suyte of: same color as

3247 She was ful moore blisful on to see
      blisful on to see; pleasing to look upon

3253 There nys no man so wys that koude thenche
      thenche: imagine

3260 As any kyde or calf folwynge his dame.
      dame: mother (dam)

3275 As clerkes ben ful subtile and ful queynte;
      queynte: ingenious, clever

3289 And spak so faire, and profred him so faste,
      profred him: pressed his suit

3299 "A clerk hadde litherly biset his whyle,
      litherly biset his whyle: wasted his time

3315 And strouted as a fanne large and brode;
      strouted as a fanne: stretched out like a fan

3325 A myrie child he was, so God me save.
      child: young man   &nbap;so: as

3330 And with his legges casten to and fro,
      casten: move quickly

3336 Ther any gaylard tappestere was.
      gaylard tappestere: merry barmaid

3360 He syngeth in his voys gentil and smal,
      smal: high

3370 This passeth forth; what wol ye bet than weel?
      bet than weel: better than well (i.e., what more would you have?)

3393 Maketh the ferre leeve to be looth."
      ferre leeve to be looth: distant loved one to be disliked

Score 4 points for each correct answer; If you scored 76 or less, go back and again read carefully through The Miller's Prologue (lines I.3109-3396), paying close attention to meaning.

If you made an 80 or more you are doing well; continue your reading of the Tale.