Test your reading of The Prologue and Tale of Sir Thopas (Lines VII.692-966)

Translate each of the bold-faced words in the following lines into clear modern English (it is best to write out your translation):

694 And thanne at erst he looked upon me,

707 "Hooste," quod I, "ne beth nat yvele apayd,

713 And I wol telle verrayment

727 His rode is lyk scarlet in grayn,

731 That to his girdel raughte adoun;

751 He worth upon his steede gray,

776 So swatte that men myghte him wrynge;

788 An elf-queene shal my lemman be

796 By dale and eek by downe!"

801 That he foond, in a pryve woon,

835 For now I wol yow rowne

836 How sir Thopas, with sydes smale,

843 For paramour and jolitee

845 "Do come," he seyde, "my mynstrales,

861 And over that an haubergeoun

866 And over that his cote-armour

877 His helm of latoun bright;

890 To telle it wol I fonde.

895 And of ladyes love-drury

897 Men speken of romances of prys,

908 God shilde his cors fro shonde!

911 But liggen in his hoode;

912 His brighte helm was his wonger,

924 Now swich a rym the devel I biteche!

947 And alle acorden as in hire sentence,

Compare your translation with the page glosses for these lines