Test your reading of the The Franklin's Prologue and Tale (Lines 707-1624)

Translate each of the bold-faced words in the following lines into clear modern English (it is best to write out your translation):

732 And many a labour, many a greet emprise,

769 And nat to been constreyned as a thral;

786 To every wight that kan on governaunce.

811 To seke in armes worshipe and honour --

834 The emprentyng of hire consolacioun,

852 But thanne was that a parcel of hire wo,

892 Were sonken into helle for his sake!

909 And craft of mannes hand so curiously

924 And with good hope lete hir sorwe slyde.

1069 Thanne shal she been evene atte fulle alway,

1087 Arveragus, with heele and greet honour,

1121 Seken in every halke and every herne

1150 And whan hem lyked, voyded it anon.

1170 In hope for to been lissed of his care.

1223 He made it straunge, and swoor, so God hym save,

1240 To Britaigne tooke they the righte way,

1292 For swiche illusiouns and swiche meschaunces

1314 Nere it that I for yow have swich disese

1327 Ye woot right wel what ye bihighten me;

1370 They comanded his doghtres for t'areste

1430 That slowe hemself for swich manere cas.

1495 That he wol putte his wyf in jupartie.

1533 I yow relesse, madame, into youre hond

1606 This al and som; ther is namoore to seyn."

1614 As thou right now were cropen out of the ground,

Compare your translation with the page glosses for these lines.