Test your reading of the Summoner's Prologue and Tale (Lines 1665-2294)

Translate each of the bold-faced words in the following lines into clear modern English (it is best to write out your translation):

1667 That lyk an aspen leef he quook for ire.

1738 In every hous he gan to poure and prye,

1750 Or yif us of youre brawn, if ye have eny;

1760 He served hem with nyfles and with fables.

1803 And hire embraceth in his armes narwe,

1814 I wolde prey yow that ye nat yow greve,

1821 To yelden Jhesu Crist his propre rente;

1845 My spirit hath his fostryng in the Bible.

1872 Than burel folk, although they weren kynges.

1935 Who folweth Cristes gospel and his foore,

1958 Youre inconstance is youre confusioun.

1964 A, yif that covent foure and twenty grotes!

1992 And, Thomas, yet eft-soones I charge thee,

2003 As womman is, whan she hath caught an ire;

2017 "Whilom ther was an irous potestat,

2068 And with an arwe he slow the child right there.

2090 Thou shalt me fynde as just as is a squyre.

2102 Hath been oure foode, our cloystre for to reyse.

2159 And fette his felawe, ther as lay his stoor.

2185 "No maister, sire," quod he, "but servitour,

2207 What shold I seye? God lat hym nevere thee!

2226 As of the soun or savour of a fart?

2242 Lat hym go honge hymself a devel weye!"

2254 Withouten wynd or perturbynge of air,

2291 And heigh wit made hym speken as he spak;

Compare your translation with the page glosses for these lines