Test your reading of the Man of Law's Tale (Lines 386-875)

Translate each of the following lines into clear modern English (it is best to write out your translation):

391 And preyde hire for to ryde agayn the queene,

406 Caste under this ful mortally to stynge.

422 To worldly blisse, spreynd with bitternesse,

430 Been al tohewe and stiked at the bord,

438 And Custance han they take anon, foot-hoot,

463 Yeres and dayes fleet this creature

467 After hir deeth ful often may she wayte,

501 Or in desert? No wight but Crist, sanz faille.

507 Under an hoold that nempnen I ne kan,

527 That she forgat hir mynde, by hir trouthe.

540 In al that lond no Cristen dorste route;

600 And kitte the throte of Hermengyld atwo,

616 Falle in disese and in mysaventure.

624 For they han seyn hire evere so vertuous,

637 Withouten gilt thou shalt be slayn as swithe.

671 And bothe his eyen broste out of his face

677 Of this mervaille agast was al the prees;

687 This false knyght was slayn for his untrouthe

702 Maken so long a tale as of the corn.

717 He took his wyf to kepe, whan he is gon

763 My lust I putte al in thyn ordinaunce.

773 And thou biwreyest alle secreenesse.

781 Lat hym enditen of thy traitorie!

792 Eft were his lettres stolen everychon,

809 And whan that he this pitous lettre say,

842 Sooth is that thurgh wommanes eggement

Compare your translation with the page glosses for these lines.