Test your reading of the Shipman's Tale (Lines 1-160)

Translate each of the following lines into clear modern English (it is best to write out your translation):

4 And compaignable and revelous was she,

13 Al for his owene worshipe richely,

22 For his largesse, and for his wyf was fair,

29 Aqueynted was so with the goode man,

43 Free was daun John, and manly of dispence,

65 And eek an officer, out for to ryde,

76 And on his nedes sadly hym avyseth,

102 But it were for an old appalled wight,

117 That lasse lust hath to that sory pley.

140 But verraily for love and affiance."

159 Ful lief were me this conseil for to hyde,

Compare your translation with the page glosses for these lines