Test your reading of the Prioress's Tale (Lines 565-690)

Write down a modern English translation for each of the bold-faced words and phrases below:

572 I seye that in a wardrobe they hym threwe

579 O martir, sowded to virginitee,

580 Now maystow syngen, folwynge evere in oon

583 In Pathmos wroot, which seith that they that goon

600 She frayneth and she preyeth pitously

602 To telle hire if hir child wente oght forby.

611 Ther he with throte ykorven lay upright,

618 And herieth Crist that is of hevene kyng,

620 And after that the Jewes leet he bynde.

626 Unnethe myghte the peple that was theere

628 With torment and with shameful deeth echon,

629 This provost dooth thise Jewes for to sterve

631 He nolde no swich cursednesse observe.

636 Biforn the chief auter, whil the masse laste;

640 Yet spak this child, whan spreynd was hooly water,

644 This yonge child to conjure he bigan,

645 And seyde, "O deere child, I halse thee,

648 Sith that thy throte is kut to my semynge?"

650 Seyde this child, "and as by wey of kynde

658 And whan that I my lyf sholde forlete,

675 And gruf he fil al plat upon the grounde,

Compare your translation with the page glosses for these lines.