Test your reading of the Reeve's Tale (Lines 4046-4324)

Translate each of the bold-faced words or phrases in the following lines into clear modern English (it is best to write out your translation):

4050 For al the sleighte in hir philosophye.

4063 He strepeth of the brydel right anon.

4071 This John goth out and fynt his hors away,

4079 The wyf cam lepynge inward with a ren.

4096 Yet kan a millere make a clerkes berd,

4100 Thise sely clerkes rennen up and doun

4119 Of herberwe and of ese, as for hir peny.

4143 Right in the same chambre by and by.

4145 Ther was no roumer herberwe in the place.

4157 To rokken, and to yeve the child to sowke.

4165 His wyf bar hym a burdon, a ful strong;

4167 The wenche rowteth eek, par compaignye.

4178 If that I may, yon wenche wil I swyve.

4184 And we han had an il fit al this day;

4190 "And gif that he out of his sleep abreyde,

4200 And to hymself he maketh routhe and wo.

4201 "Allas!" quod he, "this is a wikked jape;

4208 I sal been halde a daf, a cokenay!

4226 But faire and wel she creep in to the clerk,

4235 For he had swonken al the longe nyght,

4254 That makes me that I ga nat aright.

4274 And he hente hym despitously agayn,

4278 They walwe as doon two pigges in a poke;

4307 That doun he gooth, and cride, "Harrow! I dye!"

4321 A gylour shal hymself bigyled be.

Compare your translation with the page glosses for these lines