Glosses for quiz #1 of the The Reeve's Prologue and Tale (Lines I.3855-4045)

Compare your translations with the glossed text:

3855 Whan folk hadde laughen at this nyce cas
nyce cas: foolish business

3863 He gan to grucche, and blamed it a lite.
grucche: complain

3866 If that me liste speke of ribaudye.
ribaudye: ribaldry, coarse jesting

3871 But if I fare as dooth an open-ers --
open-ers: fruit of the medlar

3878 To have an hoor heed and a grene tayl,
hoor: white-haired

3884 Avauntyng, liyng, anger, coveitise;
Avauntyng: boasting    coveitise: greed, avarice

3885 Thise foure sparkles longen unto eelde.
eelde: old age

3892 Deeth drough the tappe of lyf and leet it gon,
drough the tappe: drew the tap, turned on the spigot

3901 He seide, "What amounteth al this wit?
What does all this wisdom amount to?

3912 For leveful is with force force of-showve.
For it is permitted (leveful) to repel (of-showve) force with force

3918 I pray to God his nekke mote to-breke;
to-breke: break in pieces

3923 Upon the whiche brook ther stant a melle;
stant (= stondith), stands     melle: mill

3931 A joly poppere baar he in his pouche;
poppere: small dagger     pouche: pocket

3936 He was a market-betere atte fulle.
market-betere: bully, quarrelsome swaggerer

3941 His name was hootedeynous Symkyn.
hoote: called    deynous: haughty

3949 To saven his estaat of yomanrye.
To maintain his state of free (rather than servile) birth

3958 That with hire dorste rage or ones pleye,
rage: flirt

3964 She was as digne as water in a dich,
as digne as water in a dich: as haughty as ditchwater

3967 What for hire kynrede and hir nortelrie
kynrede: lineage    nortelrie: nurture, education

3972 In cradel it lay and was a propre page.
page: boy

3981 His purpos was for to bistowe hire hye
hye: nobly

3992 And on a day it happed, in a stounde,
in a stounde: at a time, once

3999 For which the wardeynchidde and made fare.
wardeyn: master of the college    chidde and made fare: chided and made a fuss

4000 But therof sette the millere nat a tare
tare: weed (i.e., nothing)

4005 And, oonly for hire myrthe and revelrye,
revelrye: pleasure, delight

4020 John knew the wey -- hem nedede no gyde --
hem nedede: they needed

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Score 4 points for each correct answer; if you made an 80 or more go on to continue your reading; if you scored 76 or less, go back and again read carefully through this part (lines I.3855-4045) of the The Reeve's Prologue and Tale, paying close attention to meaning and availing yourself of the page glosses, the explanatory notes, and the glossary.