Test your reading of the Knight's Tale (Lines 1355-1880)

Translate each of the following lines into clear modern English (it is best to write out your translation):

1364 His hewe falow and pale as asshen colde,

1372 And in his geere for al the world he ferde

1377 And shortly, turned was al up so doun

1405 He myghte wel, if that he bar hym lowe,

1415 And at the gate he profreth his servyse

1453 Forpyned, what for wo and for distresse.

1465 Were it by aventure or destynee -- 

1477 That nedes cost he moot hymselven hyde, 

1495 And with his stremes dryeth in the greves

1526 That was so ny to herknen al his sawe,

1544 Woltow werreyen Thebes the citee?

1559 Allas, thou felle Mars! Allas, Juno!

1592 But out of prison am astert by grace,

1650 But streight, withouten word or rehersyng,

1688 And to the grove that stood ful faste by,

1699 That foughten breme as it were bores two.

1729 Thus hath he japed thee ful many a yer,

1746 It nedeth noght to pyne yow with the corde.

1762 And though he first for ire quook and sterte,

1789 For he kan maken, at his owene gyse,

1813 I woot it by myself ful yore agon,

1822 That nevere mo ye shal my contree dere,

1843 As hym is shape, and herkneth in what wyse;

1863 And God so wisly on my soule rewe

1872 Who kouthe telle, or who kouthe it endite,

Compare your translation with the page glosses for these lines