Test your reading of the Man of Law's Tale and Epilogue (Lines 876-1190)

Translate each of the bold-faced words in the following lines into clear modern English (it is best to write out your translation):

884 Up peyne of deeth, so have I doon, certein."

886 Moste biknowe and tellen, plat and pleyn,

909 That fallen is in hethen hand eft soone,

912 To gauren on this ship and on Custance.

924 And thus hath Crist unwemmed kept Custance.

929 Is compleynyng. Hou many oon may men fynde

927 But verraily thou wolt his body shende.

932 How may this wayke womman han this strengthe

935 Hou myghte David make thee so maat,

953 Now lat us stynte of Custance but a throwe,

959 That at the feeste leet sleen bothe moore and lesse.

993 In heigh and logh, and Jhesu Crist bisoghte

1012 Be as be may, ther was he at the leeste.

1014 Biforn Alla, durynge the metes space,

1028 Thurghout hir brest, than ben a womman wikke;

1035 That is his wyf, and pryvely he sighte,

1036 And spedde hym fro the table that he myghte.

1050 Unnethe upon hir feet she myghte stonde.

1060 "Now God," quod he, "and his halwes brighte

1074 I trowe an hundred tymes been they kist,

1117 The day goth faste, I wol no lenger lette.

1136 That hym ne moevedouther conscience,

1155 She heryeth God an hundred thousand sithe.

1165 This was a thrifty tale for the nones!

1180 He schal no gospel glosen here ne teche.

1183 Or springencokkel in our clene corn.

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