House of Fame

L. Eldredge   NM 71 70   HF & Via Moderna

J. Leyerle   UTQ 40 71   Chaucer's Windy Eagle

A. C. Watts   JMRS 3 73   Amor Gloriae in HF

C. P. R. Tisdale   CL 25 73   HF

Alfred David   Whiting F/S   How Marcia lost her skin (HF 1229-32)   In L. D. Benson (ed.), The Learned and the Lewed Harvard 74

R. Berry   UTQ 43 74   Ch. eagle & the element air [with pictures]

F. P. Magoun & T. F. Mustanoya   Spec 50 75   Chaucer's chimera: proto-surrealist portrait of Fame 

P. T. Overbeck   MP 73 75   Man of gret auctorite in HF [god of Love]

K. Stevenson   ES 59 78   The Endings of HF

Jas. Yoch   SP 75 78   Luminous palace from Homer to Stuart propag. 

G. Shepherd   Rationale of story-telling in HF   In Tolkien essays 79

Mary F. Braswell   JMRS 11 81 Architectural portraiture in HF

Joseph A. Dane   JMRS 11 81   Chaucer's Eagle's Ovid' s Phaethon: a study in lit. reception

Jacqueline Miller   ChauR 17 82-83   Authority & authorship in HF

Robert Meade   NM 84 83   Saints and problem of fame in HF

Robert Jordan   ChauR 18 83-84   Lost in the funhouse of Fame: Ch & postmodernist

Laura Kendrick   SAC Proc 1 84   Fame's Fabrication (HF)

Laura Kendrick   SAC 6 84 HF & the French Palais de Justice

Joseph Grennen   Viator 15 84   Ch. & Chalcidius: Platonic origins of HF

Martin Irvine   Spec. 69 85   Med. grammatical theory & HF

James Simpson   E&S 39 86   Dante's `Astripetam Aquilam' & the theme of poetic discretion in HF

A. C. Spearing   Readings   Early Chaucer (HF, BD)   Camb 87

Steve Ellis   ChauR 22 87-88   Chaucer, Dante & damnation

Lisa Kiser   MLQ 49 88   Eschatological poetics in HF

J. J. Anderson   ChauR 26 91   Narrators in BD and HF

B. J. Harwood   ChauR 26 91   Ch on `speche' in HF, FriT and SummT

Alfred David   HF   Howard essays   1992

John Fyler   HF and Pope   Howard essays 92

Laura Ruffolo   ChauR 27 92   Lists in HF

S. Kruger   ChauR 28 93   Imagination in HF

J. S. Russell ChauR 30 95-6   London burning: allusion in HF 935-49 to PR of 1381

Frank Grady   SAC 18 96   Chaucer reading Langland: HF

N. Havely   Burrow Essays 1997   Muses and blacksmiths: It. trecento poetics and the reception of Dante in HF

Kathrine Terrell ChauR 31 96-7   Reallocation of hermeneutic authority in HF

Ebbe Klitgard ChauR 32 97-8   Ch's narrative voice in HF

Lesley Kordecki   Exemplaria 11 99   Subversive voices in HF